CPVC and HDPE Pipes- Their Uses, Price and Advantages
CPVC (chlorinated polyvinyl chloride) is a rigid, durable material that has been successfully used in plumbing systems worldwide for over 50 years. Originally developed by Lubrizol Advanced Materials, the chemical resistance of CPVC, reliability, and the ability to withstand high temperatures and pressures make it ideal for residential, commercial and industrial spray systems. CPVC’s hot and cold plumbing systems, installed more than 50 years ago, still faithfully supply clean, safe water to families around the world.
Why CPVC is suitable for residential plumbing systems
The following are a few common reasons why households around the world can rely on pipeline and CPVC installation:
Safe, Clean Water Quality: Major international agencies, such as NSF International, test and approve materials for drinking water applications. This accreditation ensures that the CPVC drinking water system does not transmit any hazardous and harmful products to the drinking water it supplies. In the case of CPVC, our equipment is permitted for all drinking water systems, and our compounds do not contain plasticizers, flame retardants, bio-stabilizers or anti-static agents.
Joint Strength: CPVC fittings are joined together using cement. Solvent cement is a substance that binds a pipe chemically equally at the cellular level. Unlike glue used in other plumbing systems, solid solvent joints become a very strong part of the piping system, and when properly installed, do not disintegrate.
Chlorine Resistance: Chlorine-resistant bacteria, especially chlorine dioxide, can cause pipe failure in PPR (green pipe), PEX and steel pipes. However, CPVC is not affected by chlorine and will never fail because of the additives used to keep your water clean and safe.
Biofilm Resistance: Water distribution systems are suitable for bacterial growth, but CPVC helps keep the water clean. Numerous international studies have confirmed that CPVC remains superior to copper and all other plastic pipe materials, especially PPR, in terms of its ability to withstand the production of biofilms.
Fire Resistаnсe: СРVС is fire resistant аnd will nоt suрроrt соmbustiоn. In оther wоrds, СРVС wоn’t helр tо sрreаd а fire, unlike оther рlаstiсs thаt саn саtсh fire аnd соntinue tо burn аfter the sоurсe hаs been remоved. СРVС eаrned the best fire сlаssifiсаtiоn rаting роssible fоr а nоn-metаl рrоduсt due tо its lоw flаme аnd smоke develорment сhаrасteristiсs.
What is HDPE?
High-density polyethene is a thermoplastic element. It is made up of carbon and hydrogen atoms that are combined to produce Methane gas, which is later converted into ethylene, and with the use of heat and pressure, this is converted into polyethene.
To make the pipe length, the HDPE resin is heated and removed with a die, determining the diameter of the pipe. The size of the pipe wall is determined by the combination of the size of the dice, the speed of the screw and the speed of the tractor. Polyethylene pipe is usually black in color because of 3–5% black carbon that is added to the clear polyethylene material. The addition of dark carbon creates a product that can withstand UV light. Some colors are available but are not very common. Colored or striped HDPE pipe is usually 90–95% black material, with colored skin or stripes only amounting to 5% of the exterior.
The following shows the process of HDPE Pipe Extrusion:
Polyethylene raw material is drawn from the cell and transferred to a hopper dryer, removing moisture from the pellets. A suction pump then pumps it to a blender, where a barrel heater heats it. The contents of the PE dissolve at about 180 ° C (356 ° F), allowing it to be delivered to the mold/die, forming a soluble solution. After entering the filter, the newly constructed pipe quickly penetrates the cooling tanks, dipping or spraying the water outside the pipe, each lowering the pipe temperature by 10–20 degrees. Because polyethylene has high thermal conductivity, the pipe should be cooled in stages to avoid standing defects, and when it reaches the “towing tractor”, it is hard enough to be gently pulled by 2–3 straps. The laser or powder printer prints the size, type, date and name of the manufacturer on the side of the pipe. It is then cut with a saw cutter, either 3 or 6 or 12 or 24 meters (9.8 or 19.7 or 39.4 or 78.7 ft), or covered 50 or 100 meters or 200 (164 or 328 meters). Or 656 ft long in the coiler.
A separate die is used for a striped HDPE pipe, which has small channels with colored objects running through it just before it is pumped into the leg. This means that the lashes are formed as an important part of the pipe and are unlikely to separate from the body of the main pipe. The co-extruded, or co-ex HDPE pipe, has a second extrusion screw and adds additional colored skin around the black HDPE pipe; this allows for the pipe to be dyed externally for identification or hot cooling requirements.
Use of HDPE Pipes and Benefits
HDPE pipes are known for their lightweight compared to steel or electro steel pipes. These flexible and reliable microphones come with incomparable corrosion resistance.
HDPE pipes are available in different sizes, colors, sizes and lengths. Electrical wires or telecommunications cables in HDPE pipes can remain protected from adverse weather conditions, wildlife, vegetation, vehicle and property damage compared to air cables.
Since HDPE pipes are lightweight, they are easy to install and transport. These pipes are easily repaired as the damaged part of the tube can be cut, and a new pipe can be connected on both sides. The process is known as butt fusion. On the other hand, stainless steel can only be replaced. So, over time, stainless steel pipes are more expensive to use.
Price of HDPE Pipe
Prices for HDPE pipes depend on weight, length, width, HDPE pipe manufacturer, and vendor. Most HDPE plumbing companies offer a catalogue of tube prices when requested.